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Friday, August 31, 2012

Evolution Vs. Creationism: Bill Nye

WARNING: What I'm about to write has to do with a pretty controversial issue.
(It makes me wonder how Bill Nye got himself into it). Either way, if you are a strong believer in the bible, religion, and the traditional beliefs associated with many religions, just don't read this.

I will tell you outright that I do not believe in Creationism. Frankly, with how far that science has developed in today's world, "Creationism" cannot be explained by science, and there are just too many signs that point to evolution.

I don't believe that humans were created from dirt, mud, clay, whatever. Scientifically, would that even make sense? In most cases, I think the first part of the bible, Genesis, is often taken too literally. Who's to say that the meanings were not to be taken literally, but to be thought of rhetorically, as an example, or metaphorically?

So when this Bill Nye video came out, I'll admit: I whole-heartedly believed what Bill Nye said.

Let me briefly explain what he spoke of. The title of the video is Bill Nye: Creationism Is Not Appropriate For Children.  Nye spoke about how generally Creationism could not make sense, evolution was most scientifically accurate, and how society needs to evolve along with science. What this meant, was that if an adult believed in Creationism--it shouldn't be preached and engrained into a younger generation's mindset. The people who believe in Creationism can (I'm not saying will) see their world distorted, perhaps. The message was, children are the future of science, among other things. Having them believe in things such as Creationism will only set back scientific discoveries.

Now, while I believed in what Bill Nye was saying, one look at the comments proved to me that not everyone did. Skim through the comments section of the video, and what you'll find are various arguments, various lies, various spamming, and more opinionated people typing their own input.

I'll admit, some of those comments did irk me. Especially the things that were blatantly insulting, stereotypical, and lies. If someone is an Atheist, does that mean that they are any less than someone who is a Christian? If someone is a Hindu, does that mean their beliefs are void? If someone is Jewish or Catholic, and they believe in Creationism, does that mean that they are any less informed?

Well, no. Everyone has their own beliefs. No one knows what exactly happened billions of years ago. We can find stark evidence, but no one can rightly disprove that there's no god, just the same as they can't prove it.

I am not a religious person, but at the same time I am not Atheist. For this reason, I do not condone the belief of Creationism. Every person has a right to believe what she/he will. But that doesn't mean I will believe in it.

I'm with Bill Nye on this one. If we want to grow in the development of science, we have to put aside our religious beliefs. Science is based of off facts; no bias or opinions can cloud it. People close to me, in my family, who have gone on to become scientists, while remaining highly religious, believe in Evolution. While some people think that makes them less of a Christian, does it truly?

Evolution and Creationism are topics that I think will probably always be argued about. Because, honestly, there is no way to zip backwards and see for ourselves what truly happened.

To put it in the words of a Tootsie Pop: The world will never know.

~Banana Win

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