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Monday, July 23, 2012

The Tale of the Terrorized Celebrity

There are times when I feel really, really sorry for celebrities.
They have to deal with so much...drama.

Not only are there tabloids, magazines, television, paparazzi--basically all kinds of media--that broadcast their lives...but even just on the internet, there are so many rumors.

Before I went about writing this, I looked around some social networking sites. (After reading all sorts of terrible things, I am so glad I play no part of the websites).

Did you know that some celebrities have to deal with their own fans hating on them? Does that sound farfetched to you? I didn't believe it at first.

Before I delve into that concept, let's take a moment to think about what celebrities are. They usually are talented people who are involved in popular things. Singers and actors/actresses are just a few of the different kinds of stars. Of course, they probably deal with the most crazy fans and haters as well. But if we really just look at what celebrities are--they're humans. They used to be normal people. They used to be treated like normal people. And lastly, if you honestly think about it, they are strangers. You probably don't know them. I certainly don't know them. And most people don't know them.

So here's where the sad part comes in.

I stumbled across a twitter profile of a singer. And happened to find some twitter drama. I'll put the situation into basic terms. The celebrity (yes he was famous) talks about meeting up with some friends. Said friends happen to be girls. What happens next? Fans reply. Most of the tweets were a range of things along the lines of 'That's not really smart of you' and similar things. Those were related to such things like rumors.  And then, there were some really horrid things, blatantly insulting the friends of the singer.

And that's where the drama begins. I'm sure if anyone insults your friends, you would step up to defend them, correct? Well, it seems that when celebrities do that...a lot of things happen.

First of all, the person to whom the celebrity replies to gets a lot of trouble.

See, when one famous person comments on something...all the famous person's followers do what they always do--they follow. So the one person who said something insulting suddenly gets a lot of hate.

Now. The person who commented shouldn't have said what they had said. The singer had all rights to defend what he had said. All the haters that attacked the commenter? They had absolutely no reason to do so.

I think this is a concept we all learned in kindergarten. If someone hits you, don't hit back. But in the case of big-names, a famous person doesn't even have to hit back. All of the supporters will do that for them. And I think that's really wrong.

You want to know why? Hating someone, and blatantly telling them so, is bullying. I think it's fair to say that it is never right to bully someone, even if they said something mean. No one deserves that. It's no celebrities fault, I doubt that many really realize the impact of small things. It's those people who inflate a small thing to a huge size, and terrorize other strangers. They are the ones who are in the wrong.

But do you see what these celebrities have to deal with?

I think people think fame is all good, but they never realize the downside to it. I never thought fans would actually get mad at a celebrity (someone they don't know personally) if they were rumored to be dating. And unfortunately, it is the male celebrities who get the brunt of that mess. Because let's face it, fan girls will be fan girls. And sometimes, fan girls just really take it too far.

I guess I will never understand the whole concept of "heart"-ing someone or "loving" someone just because they're famous. I just can't comprehend the idea. I also find it kind of shocking how people can obsess over famous people. It must be one of those elusive and unspoken things that no one can quite put their finger on. But it gives me reason to be slightly scared of fan girls (and I have friends who are fan girls).

So there you have it. The tale of the terrorized celebrity.

~Banana Win

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Get the Gavel, MY Jury's out.

[NOTE: I mean no offense to anyone in this post, and I apologize if you are offended.]

So today's post is about something that has always bothered me. Particularly, it bothered me when I first met this group of boys, two years ago.

You could have written "JUDGE" all over their foreheads. Nearly all of them judged me by superficial things, like my outward appearance. They, of course, never had a proper conversation with me, they simply decided that, because I looked "weird" on the outside, that I was "unfit to be in their presence." What does that mean? That means they basically teased and argued with me all year long.

And that, my friends, is when I first realized that I hated judgmental people. You know, the types of people that look at a person first off and decide what they think of them.

It's really sad actually. I stumbled across a quote the other day. It really showed just how hurtful judging someone could be.

It reads:

"See that girl right there?
The one you just called fat?
She's been starving herself, and she's lost over 30 pounds.
The one you just called stupid?
She has a learning disability, she studies 6 hours per night.
The one you just called ugly?
She spends over 3 hours putting makeup on.
The one you just called baby?
You would be crying too if your mother was dead.
The one you just tripped?
I think she's abused enough at home.
There's a lot more to a person than you think.

"They look kind of drunk."
"They sound like a bunch of idiots."
Now, I know my friend didn't mean anything by it. Or, at least I hope not. (Her words were the inspiration for this post, after all.) But I couldn't help but think of all the times I've been judged because I've acted crazily. And sure, I have never met the band, but it wasn't just the fact that she was insulting them that got me aggravated (I do like them, but it was her opinion). It was the fact that she so easily judged someone (she could dislike them all she wanted). But she blatantly judged them. By one video.

Just like times and times ago, a certain group of boys judged me by first look.

So the next time you see someone, don't jump to conclusions. Don't judge.

Because trust me, when you're judged, it hurts.


~Banana Win

P.S. Want to take a few seconds to scroll down and rate my blog? It'd be awesome if you did!

Monday, July 9, 2012


Ah, a beautiful day, time to check the old email: NOT.
I'll explain.

I don't want to see:


or even,


You know what I want to say to that? What the f---

Wait, let me put it in understandable terms: WTF IS WRONG WIT U?
Ah, my English teacher would be proud. 

I'll admit, I've used the "ikr" in emails before. Even the "tmi." But I know when its a problem when half the email responses I get look like: :) ikr.

Way to be creative and meaningful, all with the use of five characters. True genius, right there. 
No. Just, no.
And then there comes texting. Where spelling is even worse, and the emoticons are overly used. Do I look like I want my cellphone to be cluttered up with: 

Because that is the highlight of my life. (Note the sarcasm). In fact, we might as well add the infamous smileys to our keyboards:

Fits in just perfectly, doesn't it?

Don't get me wrong, I use shortcuts and emoticons all the time. But I still make time for those meaningful emails, those rant-filled ramblings. Because honestly, those are way more interesting to write and reply to. 

I mean, how am I supposed to reply to: ikr.
And how I am I supposed to reply to this? :D
I think I've made my point.

So the next time you click reply to an email, or answer a text, try to remember to not sound like a total idiot. A little is okay. ;)

~Banana Win

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Ramblings of a Random Girl

Alright, so instead of my usual shin-dig of criticizing something, or ranting about something, I decided to do something a bit different today. The other day, I was getting annoyed with my writing (while writing in my journal), so I hopped on my laptop and started ranting. Writing in a kind of digital journal mode. Here's an excerpt from my ranting. Enjoy :D

You see, when you’re faced with the prospect of writing down a day’s worth of what you’ve done, a bunch of complete crap manages to include itself. But, I have more depth than just a simple, “I ate breakfast, dinner, but oh, I skipped lunch,” kind of deal. I have these thoughts, which just force themselves out of my head. Occasionally, they are forced onto paper, and I do manage to not sound like an insipid ten year old. But usually, they like to stay to the back recesses of my mind, where no one has ever gone. And what’s the point of that?

So here I am, trying to not sound like your average dimwit. I don’t think it’s working. I don’t exactly know what it is, but when it comes to writing, I am a perfectionist. If I ever read through any of my older works, or even my past journals, I have the urge to edit—whether it be taking out that multi-colored pen and attacking the paper, or hastily backspacing on my laptop. Fun. (Note the sarcasm). Interesting, isn’t it? I like to write—no, love to write—and I find the urge to edit…but when it comes to the editing, I hate to do it. It’s almost as if my fingers force me to edit, and I have no choice, no matter how lazy I am, or how exhausted I feel.

I actually think that may be a good thing. After all, being the perfectionist can often give you great rewards in the end, right? Well, maybe not. But it certainly makes me feel proud when I’ve finished a work of writing, and edited it to perfection. It also makes me feel better that I can’t be ashamed of what I’ve written.

I think every writer has that moment of weakness. Whether it be the second before they are ready to click the mouse to the words “upload” on a writing website, or if they are far ahead and it is the day before their book hits the public. Either way, that moment of weakness has always been a fault of mine. The one novel that I have, the one ‘baby’ of mine, as I so affectionately call it, it has been through a lot. In the past three and a half years, since it first birthed itself in my brain—now that I look back at that sentence that sounds quite disturbing—but anyways. When I first thought of the idea, of course I penned it down. I wrote more than just a bloody twenty pages, I’m sure. And then, on a sudden urge to edit it—I scrapped it and started over.

Even as I type these words I find the urge to go back and add a sentence or two, just to make myself clearer. I’m going to have to restrain myself.

But continuing with this novel of mine, that wasn’t the last time I scrapped it completely. No, I’m afraid the novel had four beginnings—yes, I scrapped it three times. Currently I’m on my third—or is it fourth?—rewrite of the novel, and I’m hoping to make it to the end this time. You see, every single time that I’ve scrapped it, it has been because it was beyond the point where editing could save it. And so, for that reason, I never made it to the end. And boy, this end I’ve been waiting for, for a long time. You see, it is one of those endings, which just encourage a writer to keep writing and writing, because it just sounds so good. And mine? It has the twist of irony that makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time—because although it is one of the greatest endings that someone as menial as I could think of, it creates this one problem (or blessing, if you think of it that way): it requires a sequel be written.

Now keep in mind, I have no issues with that actual fact, I love this story. But with the amount of time it has taken to get this far with this one book, I can’t help but wonder if the second book will follow in its footsteps. Of course, many circumstances have changed[...]* But writing always grows, and I’m sure I haven’t reached my complete potential…or I hope so at least. But that’s just being positive. And then, there’s always the pressure that is put on an author—or really, the pressure an author puts on him/herself. To make sure the sequel isn’t categorized into the “Oh, the first one was good, but the sequel just brought it down.” Many great authors have been subject to that.

 Take Cornelia Funke, and the Inkheart Trilogy. All her fans stayed with her through all three books, simply to know the fate of the beloved (or not so beloved) characters. But I think we all knew that the moment the second book arrived, it just wasn’t as good as the first. And the third book? No, just no. And there is the perfect example. She is an amazing writer, of course, but since such an amazing writer managed to fall into the sequel curse, how could a not as good writer avoid it? Point said, and done.

However, for now I will just return to my goal of finishing my novel, and hope that it wasn’t the most stupid thing I’ve ever written. 

*Sentence removed.

Yeah, I did remove a sentence...but that's just random. So that's my excerpt. I'm pretty positive no one reading this enjoyed it. But who cares? 

And also, I have nothing against Cornelia Funke! She is a great writer! I was just a tad disappointed by the follow ups to "Inkheart."